Core Team
Theme Leads
Co-lead for AI and Digital Health Research and Policy (University of Birmingham)
Theme Lead, Consultant Ophthalmologist and Honorary Professor, specialising in AI and Digital Health Technologies, (University of Birmingham)
Co-Theme Lead, Professor of Health Economics (University of Birmingham)
Theme Lead, Professor of Public Health & NIHR ARC-WM Director (University of Birmingham)
Co-Theme Lead, Chartered Human Factors Specialist (Health Innovation West Midlands)
Co-Theme Lead Director of the Birmingham Robotics Institute (University of Birmingham)
Theme Lead and Professor of Colorectal Surgery Director (Royal College Surgeons (Eng) Robotic and Digital Surgery initiative)
Co-theme Lead and Honorary Research Fellow (Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London)
Theme Lead and Head of Electronic, Electrical & Systems Engineering (University of Birmingham)
Theme Lead and Director of the Healthcare Technologies Institute (University of Birmingham)