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NIHR HealthTech Research Centre in Devices, Digital and Robotics (HRC-DDR) Launch Event

The NIHR HRC-DDR held its launch event on Friday 19th April 2024. The event showcased the work of the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Trauma Management MedTech Co-Operative (MIC), featuring talks from industry and our patient and public partners. The event then launched the NIHR HRC-DDR, detailing the centre’s core themes of Medical Devices, Digital & Data and Robots & Autonomous Systems and cross-cutting themes of Human Factors & Usability, Health Economics & Value Proposition, and Regulations.
The event was held at Edgbaston Park Hotel and Conference Centre and featured talks from our theme leads, including world class academics from the University of Birmingham, Health Innovation West Midlands, University Hospitals Birmingham and Imperial College London. The event also showcased examples of previous NIHR HRC-DDR support to industry, and the subsequent impact on accelerating technology development.

Overall, the event was a huge success and the NIHR HRC-DDR look forward to hosting future events bringing patients, the public, industry, academics, clinicians and researchers together!
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