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Patients and the public

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How can I get involved?

The NIHR HealthTech Research Centre in Devices, Digital and Robotics (NIHR HRC-DDR) carries out research into new health technologies. Patients and the public can get involved in the work that we do to improve the relevance and quality of our research. Most of us have experience of accessing healthcare or have family members/friends who have required healthcare. Your views and suggestions can improve how we carry out research and the experience of people taking part. Find out more about us on Our Research.

You can become involved with the NIHR HRC-DDR in many ways. You can help by:

Finding areas where technologies could improve people’s health. This includes technologies used within the NHS and in communities, and by people at home.

Contributing to and reviewing design features

Reviewing new technologies and providing feedback.

Advising how we share research findings with the public and researchers.

Being involved in the decision-making process and management of research.

Reviewing and providing feedback on documents before these are used in research studies.

We welcome people from different communities and backgrounds. You do not need any specific qualifications or work experience. Your expertise is your own lived experience.

If you would like to express and interest in becoming part of the NIHR HRC-DDR Community or learning more, please contact the team. Your details will be kept confidential.

Hannah Rooney, HRC PPIE Manager

07483 335476

To find more information on taking part in research studies, please look on the Be Part of Research website.